Competence matrix based, training administration, with function supporting full organization, management and email notifications. Find out how to organise your trainings effectively!
Organizing and conducting corporate training sessions has been a real nightmare so far. A lot of conciliation, administration and constant attention were exhausting.
In addition, the employee’s qualifications and permissions required for jobs or workflows were often expired or inaccurate.
With the ODT System competence module, everything is now placed on a single intuitive interface with lots of useful features.
The competence module is an application which can be used independently even in addition to other systems.
If you are unsure whether your training processes are effective in your company, please ask for our free consultation* with out dedicated expert.
We help you to understand your processes and provide immediately usable advice on optimization for the development of the competence matrix, as well as the organization and administration of effective training. All this without obligation. Sign up for our module and take advantage of our free advice.
Online interface
An interface accessible from anywhere and from any device where employees, instructors and the organizers of the trainings can also learn about the skills they need.
Up to date
The competence matrix is guaranteed to be real-time and you can view the necessary trainings and courses on a single, transparent interface. All this in accordance with quality standards.
Digital attendance verification
Instead of papers and excel tables, you now have a digital signature to verify attendance on the training.
Organize training and qualification information according to your authorization level. From now on, you can immediately see who has which training what they need to complete or renew.
The review of the competence matrix required for production and quality assurance has been a complicated task until now, but thanks to our innovative solution you can create and export it with one click.
As an instructor, simply create trainings, invite employees with email notifications. Edit your training information (subject, location, prerequisites, etc.) on the course profile. In fact! The curriculum is also evolving, so give the courses a version number.
No more forgotten licenses and exams because the Competence Module automatically indicates to you or to the appointed manager when someone has an approaching renewal of a qualification or is required to complete one for a job position.
The application stores training administration data in a cloud in a secure form as opposed to traditional paper and excel data storage.
Break up with the paper-based attendance sheets because our brilliant solution indicates the employee’s attendance to the training in real time. To do this, you only need to scan the code generated by the system.
The continuous organization and administration of training sessions has consumed up to 160 hours per month, but with our application this can be reduced to only 8 hours a month in a company with 1000 people.
Add the employees to the app. Create trainings. Enter a name, description, location, and other information for the training. Set the qualifications and their expiration dates for the employees. Set up automatic notifications about required trainings. Create a competence matrix by selecting employees, location, and time interval. On the interface, colours are used to mark older trainings, those to be completed and the new ones.
- For manufacturing and production companies
- For large companies with more than 200 people
- For specialized areas where regular training of employees is necessary
- For companies wishing to comply with ISO standards
- a 42 percent faster administration 42%
“We had an astonishing amount of time released that we have been finally able to devote it to important tasks”
- 24% production improvement 24%
“The System has made our production processes more efficient.”
- 32% increase in employee satisfaction 32%
”I hadn’t had any idea how cumbersome our processes were till I tried it. Everything has become more convenient with the System.”
Our partners without the need for completeness
Featured Contacts
Our key customer relationship manager continuously listens to your needs and offers creative solutions. Our customer service provides professional assistance with the use of the system.
Knowledge Mentoring
With our practice-focused trainings, you will also master the master courses of the system tailored to your company. With our 24-hour advanced video and text help content and tips the system is guaranteed to be managed easily
We guarantee that we offer ODT System services at fair and economical prices for your company, even under more favourable conditions compared to similar systems. There are no hidden costs and small print.
Our dedicated expert during a consultation helps you to review and optimize your company’s training processes to be cost-effective. He also helps to develop training processes and competence matrix in accordance with quality assurance standards. The two-hour audit is now free of any charges and obligation for companies with over 200 employees.