The competence matrix based training system is a resource-intensive task in the life of the company. For workflows where employees must have the appropriate ratings, this area is of enhanced priority. The existence of the correct competence matrix is essential to maintain quality assurance standards.
“The training of employees is opaque”
“At least one person has to deal with it full time.”
“The quality assurance ISO audit always causes difficulties”
“Education records are conducted in Excel on paper with multiple databases”
“The training course and the renewal of the required licenses is a difficult task”
For most companies, this is a time-consuming and difficult to oversee process that can be improved by up to 80% with proper optimization. This is why we would like to help you and your company with an exclusive consultation that will yield instant solutions as a result.
We will review your current corporate training system and see how you manage your competence matrix-based education.
Together we examine the steps and bottlenecks of your training processes and the pain points.
We offer a package of proposals for optimizing your training system and digital technology solutions.
Your training processes will be more efficient by up to 80%.
You can develop a training system in accordance with guaranteed quality assurance standards.
Your competence matrix will be up-to-date and ISO compliant.
- Dedicated expert deals with your company.
- Exploring your current training system and its bottlenecks and points to be improved.
- We deliver an optimization proposal package with ready-to-use methods.
- We provide advice entirely tailored to your company.
If further project-based work is required during the audit, we do it on demand. We develop your training system, launch it and help you implementing and training the optimized processes at your company. In short, we take the burden off you!
- Companies working in the production sector.
- Managers who want to achieve efficiency in their company on this field.
- Training for organizing administrators who want to make their work more efficient.
If you are unsure that your training system processes are in order or you have problems with the competence matrix and the quality assurance audit you have nothing to lose because with our one-hour advice from experts you get tips, know-how and best practices which are guaranteed to improve processes.
Consultation is totally free of obligations and charge. The ODT System supports free consultation for all companies under the framework of project. The only condition is that your company has a minimum of 300 employees. Our exclusive offer is only valid for a limited time. Do not lose such an opportunity of winning!
- Fill out the form below
- Our colleague will contact you and arrange a suitable date for you.
- The consultation will be conducted online or in person and afterwards we will hand over a customised optimisation proposal package.
Participation in the Consultation of the free corporate training presumes that the participating company has a minimum headcount of 200. The two-hour consultation is totally free of obligations and charge.